Penning The Indications for Supplemental Oxygen Therapy

portable oxygen

Penning The Indications for Supplemental Oxygen Therapy

21%. It is the fraction of inspired oxygen in room air. The body thrives on oxygen. People dump their bodies with so much food, which blocks the oxygen flow in the body and clogs the arteries and the veins. This results in diseases. Therefore, the first indication for supplemental oxygen therapy is revealed.

So, oxygen basically is the fuel of the body, without which you won’t be able to drive the car of your life. Eventually, when suffering from respiratory disease, a hematological disease, a heart disease, a vascular disease, a few congenital diseases, or even trauma, you’re susceptible to suffering from oxygen deficiency.

And here’s where the oxygen therapy comes in. Oxygen is primarily essential to meet the increasing oxygen demands of your body to compensate for an altered body state.

Supplemental Oxygen Explained in Layman Terms

The word supplemental oxygen is synonymous with oxygen therapy. At sea level, there’s about 21% of total oxygen in the air, which is increased in supplemental air provisions. Hence, an increased amount of oxygen is better capable of meeting the increased oxygen demand of the body with each inspiration.

Indications For Supplemental Oxygen

People with hypoxia and hypoxemia are in need of oxygen. Hypoxia refers to the state of the body when there is low oxygen in the tissues, ultimately decreasing the amount of O2 in mitochondria, slowing down oxidative phosphorylation, hence decreasing ATP production. We all know ATPs are the energy bag in our bodies.

While hypoxemia refers to low oxygen in the blood, there can be a lot of reasons for this. Your slow pumping heart, your residence at high altitudes, overuse of pain medications, lung conditions, and the list goes on.

In the light of stated indications, it is therefore essential to identify your symptoms on time and consult a specialist or a physician in this regard.

Alarming Symptoms!

Here’s how you’d know that your body lacks oxygen. Count on the symptoms and refer your clinician timely to identify the cause. Here you go:

  •  Headache
  • Dyspnea (shortness of breath)
  •  Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
  •  Cough
  •  Wheeze
  •  Delirium/Confusion
  •  Cyanosis (bluish color of your skin, nails, and tip of the nose)

Oxygen is a Drug For The Following 10 Medical Conditions

Here you go with the list of diseases and conditions where you need oxygen therapy on a compulsory basis.

  • 1)    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • 2)  Cystic Fibrosis
  • 3)   Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • 4)  Sarcoidosis
  • 5)   Shock
  • 6)  Sepsis
  • 7)   Cardiac Arrest
  • 8)  Allergic Reactions
  • 9)   Carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning
  • 10) Lung injury / Trauma

How would your doctor know you need oxygen therapy?

To rule out unnecessary diagnoses, doctors recommend tests and evaluate the condition after analyzing the reports. Majorly, two types of tests are conducted to assess the need for oxygen administration.

#1 Arterial Blood Gases

It measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. A little sample of your blood is drawn from your artery in the wrist to know the partial pressure of both gasses.

#2 Pulse Oximetry

So there’s a non-invasive investigation available as well. Thanks for the discovery. A sensor is placed over your fingers or on the earlobe to know about the amount of oxygen in the blood. You can evaluate your oxygen saturation level by having your own pulse oximeter, they are inexpensive and easier to buy.

What’s the Solution? – An Oxygen Concentrator

An oxygen concentrator is a lightweight, minimalist medical device that provides oxygen to patients diagnosed with conditions requiring oxygen therapy. It comes in two forms: stationary and portable oxygen concentrator. It allows you to have access to oxygen from the comfort of your home.

The oxygen concentrator has filters fitted into it to provide the maximum amount of purified oxygen to the patient. It does this by preventing nitrogen which is 78% in the air, from entering the body. This device is further capable of compressing the air to the required density. It aids in providing medical-grade oxygen without the hassle of hospitalization.

Usually, oxygen concentrators are not bought over the counter. A complete evaluation of the condition and diagnosis is necessary for the purchase.

Take Away

There are a lot of acute and chronic indications for supplemental oxygen. For improving the quality of life, you’re required to be thorough about your symptoms and the condition. Your health is of primary importance.

Disclaimer: Never use supplemental oxygen devices on your own. Nature has an inbuilt ratio of oxygen production, which, when exceeded, can lead to severe consequences.